Founded in 1992, the Friends of the Presumpscot River is non-profit organization, supported by donations, grants and the efforts of our volunteers. Our mission is to work to restore and protect water quality, river habitat and native fisheries in the Presumpscot River through stewardship, advocacy and education, while creating recreational opportunities and instilling appreciation of the river in all the communities it touches.
Our Accomplishments
Partnered on the removal of Smelt Hill Dam in Falmouth.
Defended Article 401 of the Clean Water Act before the Supreme Court of the United States.
Sought and gained a multi-million dollar fish passage at Cumberland Mills.
Gained an agreement leading to fish passage and dam removal at Saccarappa Falls that will restore fish passage and open up five miles of natural habitat.
Conducted and Economic Development Study of the Presumpscot River.
Conducting Educational programs on the Presumpscot River, rivers and fishery issues.
Continued connecting people to the history, ecology and value of the river to it's communities.
Obtained reclassification of part of the river from Class B to Class A.
Successfully opposed a project that would have created a new 800,000 gal/day point source discharge into the river.
Conducted a watershed survey.
Assisted the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) with sampling, creating a new model for the river.
Formed the Presumpscot River Watershed Alliance.
Worked with the DEP to develop stricter standards for SAPPI discharge licenses.
Partnered with many organizations and initiatives, including Coast Week Cleanup programs, Casco Bay Estuary Project, Greater Portland Council of Governments Watershed Management Plan, Maine Environmental Priorities Project and the Maine River Summit.
Our Supporters
We are also very grateful to the foundations and major donors that have offered tremendous support to our organization over the past 25 years. Our work could not be completed without them.
Among our many donors are the following individuals and organizations that have offered critical support:
Sewall Foundtion
Quimby Family Foundation
Davis Family Fund
New England Grassroots Environmental Fund
Marylee and Charles Dodge
French Foundation
Haymarket Peoples Fund
Maine Community Fund
Orchard Foundation
Rines Thompson Fund
Sweetwater Trust
Singing for Change
The Cricket Foundation
““It’s not often we’re given a second chance with something as fragile as a river. Let’s keep working on it. After all, the Presumpscot River has worked hard in the service of mankind for hundreds of years. It’s time we returned that favor.””