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Our mission is to work to restore and protect water quality, river habitat & native fisheries in the Presumpscot River through stewardship, advocacy & education, while creating recreational opportunities & instilling appreciation of the river in all the communities it touches.

For over 30 years, our many accomplishments have been supported by donations, grants & the efforts of generous volunteers. We are grateful.

A River of Many Falls & Many Fish 

The Presumpscot River flows from Sebago Lake through woods, towns & cities into the saltwater of Casco Bay, Maine's most densly populated region. The river's name means "many falls" or "many rough places" in the Abanaki language spoken by the first people of the region, who survived on the river's abundance and fertile shore lands for centuries. During this time, vast amounts of spawning Atlantic salmon, shad and alewives swam upriver. The Presumpscot was also home to land-locked salmon, brook trout and the now extinct Presumpscot Jumper.

Picking Up Chief Polin's MantlE: Fighting for Fish Passage Then & Now

In the 1750s Abenaki leader Chief Polin began a struggle to restore fish passage to the Presumpscot. In 1992, more than 250 years later, Friend's picked up Polin's mantle and began fighting for fish passage, improved water quality and restoration of the natural character of the Presumpscot after two and a half centuries of industrialization. Learn more about the successes we've achieved over the last three decades and about our current initiatives. 

Tales from the Presumpscot: A River of Resilience 

Emma Deans, a multi-media storyteller, present the second in a nine-part series focusing on how our river of “many falls” is making a comeback after two and half centuries of damning, pollution and disregard. Learn how the Presumpscot got its name from the indigenous people who lived here for millennia, depending on its bountiful fish supply as a vital food source, and how today increasing opportunities to enjoy a revitalized river – walking, canoeing and fishing – help us to connect with the importance of keeping it clean.